See this beautiful uncooked veggie pizza? It took quite a bit of time to prepare with wilted spinach and garlic, fresh sliced tomatoes, cooked fiddleheads, sweated zucchini, eggplant, and oyster mushrooms (with a little EVOO and garlic), and caramelized onions.
Result? It slid off the pizza peel and on to the ground. We should have taken a picture of the mound, but we were in emergency response mode.
Quick response, scoop it up and throw the mess on the pizza stone. It wasn't so bad, and Spencer actually liked the bubbly texture.
We made a few other pizzas, some completely vegan as above, the others with some mozzarella cheese and veggies. The verdict? No thumbs up, lot of thumbs teetering on sideways. Ahhh so much work, so little gain. Everyone preferred the pizza with cheese. As stated by Tim, "cheese changes the whole experience." Tomorrow we will post the cheese veggie pizza.
AND NOW FOR A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT - MecaMorphosis is this THURSDAY night. It promises to be a VERY PORTLAND event providing you with culture, intrigue, food and drink. Thanks to MECA, Portland has a VIBRANT downtown. Here is a link to the event. PLEASE JOIN US.
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