My feet, though, have seen better days. They are complaining after a weekend of demos West Hartford and Glastonbury CT. Even, Emma, my star athlete and new demo recruit is complaining of sore feet. Those little toes are tingling!
And, this is where my feet thank today's Guest Chronicler, Jim, because now all I need to do is sit and type, rather than stand and create (or blaab, if I were at a demo).
One Spelt Right Pizza Dough, thawed and fully risen
Pre-cooked chicken (either from Hannaford or Whole Foods)
Red peppers
Cheddar cheese - (I like Cabot)
Divide the dough in
Rolled in Spelt Right Pizza Dough and brushed with egg white
Bake 20 min. @ 400F

We happen to like Cabot, too :) Thanks from our farmers (and me) for the Cabot mention!