Tonight's dinner was fun. Tim and I were busy doing business stuff (what's new). Spencer (almost 13) came upstairs and asked what he could do to help. "Start slicing the eggplant, zucchini, yellow squash, and other veggies for grilling, wouldja. And marinate them in garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper" "OK, mom" How cool is that having your 13 year old start dinner? Then Emma (18) showed up with her two friends Emily and Shannon (Wow, unexpected playmates for Olivia (age 8)). We somehow got all of the kids, guests included, involved in making dinner. And, we gained a new hand model too (thanks, Emily, we dig the black nail polish).
Menu: Gourmet Sandwiches made with grilled vegetables, goat cheese, baby spinach, hummus (thank you Emma)-recipe for another day, on grilled bread made with Spelt Right dough (thank you Charlie at Portland Whole Foods for explaining how this is made with our wonderful dough). Salad from the garden with homemade balsamic olive oil dressing.Check out Lunch Box Chronicles: Day Fifty-One for Salad Dressing Recipe
We are so psyched to have discovered a new way to use Spelt Right dough.....ohhh, the possibilities!
1 Eggplant - sliced in rounds
1 zucchini and 1 yellow squash - sliced in lengths
1 -2 onion cut in quarters
1 large red pepper - sliced in rounds
3-4 TBL extra virgin olive oil
Juice from 1/2 lemon (optional)
2-3 gloves of fresh garlic mashed with about 1 teaspoon salt in mortar and pestle
pepper to taste
1-2 Spelt Right Pizza Doughs (each dough cut in fours, made into rounds about 1/4-1/2 inch thick (not rolled out like pizza dough). Let rise again. Place on grill, both sides until done. May need to finish bake in the toaster over.
Marinate all vegetables in olive oil mixture. Place on grill until done. Make sandwich with herb goat cheese, vegetables, hummus (I put this on the side). Enjoy!!!
The kids loved the food. Emily was psyched because she became vegetarian after seeing Food, Inc. Shannon was not even hungry after just having dinner at home, but we convinced her to indulge in a half of sandwich. Our kids, perfectly happy and satisfied. Parents....relaxed. The evening and dinner? Two Thumbs up.
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