Blunt: adjective
3. (of a person or remark) Uncompromisingly forthright
candid, forthright, frank….
Once in a while, everyone needs someone who is blunt…
Candid, Forthright, Frank….
I have the tendency to think that I can “do it all”: build a business, manage a family, drive six hours at a clip, meet customers with a smile, hang out with friends, practice law, save the world…
But, there are the details I often forget – the details that I preach to others, but fail to practice myself – like getting enough rest, eating the right foods, taking iron and vitamins, slowing down just enough to get a glance in the mirror to gauge whether I am about to pass out or if I am ready to sprint.
I would like to think that I am Wonder Woman, but fiction is just fiction. I lack super-human strength, the ability to fly, super-speed, and super agility, though sometimes, I do have super-stamina….until I crash….
And, when the crash happens, I am lucky to have a frank person in my life who becomes very blunt….
“You need to rest kid; the car runs only if it has gas in the tank.”
I heeded the frank advice, gave myself a few days to rest, and made a delicious recipe offered by one blunt ally in order to put a little gas in the tank.
RECIPE - Homemade Grass Fed Ground Beef and Tomato Sauce Over Spelt Pasta
One organic onion (finely chopped)
4-5 cloves of garlic (finely chopped or minced with salt)
1/4 – 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil
Pomi – crushed tomatoes – all natural, no citric acid – in a carton (no BPA in packaging)
One Pound Grass Fed Ground Beef (from Maine)
1-2 Teaspoons of Sea Salt
Ground pepper to taste
6-10 leaves of Fresh Basil (chopped finely) (compliments of my neighbor Kendra)
One Package Vita Spelt Pasta Put chopped onion and garlic in olive oil in large stainless steel pan. Saute until onions are brown. Add ground beef. Saute until browned. Add Pomi tomatoes, salt and pepper to taste. Add one teaspoon of organic sugar if desired. Stir all ingredients. Cook on medium low for 20-25 minutes. Stirring occasionally. Add chopped basil.
Response on the pasta dish from the five children roaming my not-so-quiet house? "YUMMMM!!"
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