Saturday, January 21, 2012
Lunch Box Chronicles: Day One Hundred Fifty (On Sweet Things in Life)
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Lunch Box Chronicles: Day One Hundred Forty Nine (The Go To Girl)
The Go To Girl
Sometimes the "go to girl" has to become the "gotta go girl"
Being the anchor, the fall back, the one on whom everyone relies comes with great rewards,
but also creates such a clamor that sometimes,
the voices, the calls, the requests must be muted.
Without the muting, all incoming signals become a deafening chaotic cacophony,
one that needs to be turned off,
even if only from one sunset to the next.
What good is the “go to girl” if
she hears only mumbles and sees only blurs.
And from the coveted one-day of silence and darkness emerges clarity in which
the “go to girl” returns for all but one day of the earth’s rotation around the sun, and
the “gotta go girl” slips away for her 364 day nap.
The “go to girl” has returned, refreshed, stronger, with a smile on her face and warmth in her heart, ready to be the “go to”
until it is time to “gotta go.”
This Go-to-Girl may need more than the just one day allotted in this attempt-to-be-poetic piece, but when she does "gotta go", she has left simple recipes for those whom rely on the next day's meal. Here is a simple "gotta go" recipe.
One Spelt Right Pizza Dough, fully thawed and risen. Gently work dough into a well oiled (with EVOO) stainless steel baking sheet (preferably with edges), cover with sauteed onions, garlic, and mushrooms (and whatever you have in the fridge). Top with fresh mozzarella and goat cheese and olives. Bake at 450 for 15-22 minutes, depending upon how brown and crispy you like the crust. Feed your loved ones, give them simple recipes, tell them you care, and then slip away just for a moment in time, so that you can return, refreshed, with a smile on your face, and ready to feed once again.