Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lunch Box Chronicles: Day One-Hundred and Twenty-Three (A NY Bagel, Really??)

OK, this one is not a recipe, but rather an observation, or perhaps, a rant, about the state of what we call food in the U.S.  On a recent trip to NYC to introduce our healthful SPELT RIGHT bagels, breads, and pizza dough to people in the BIG APPLE with health challenges (diabetes, insulin resistance, inflammatory diseases, etc.) and to spread the word about good nutrition (ok, I am a bit of a proselytiser here), I happened upon a very curious object.

Please see the picture.

The colors drew me in and I felt compelled to buy it.  I just had to show this to my son Spencer, whose health and behavior were so adversely impacted by foods with common wheat (the typical NY bagel), and other foods with wild food colors (the not-so-typical NY bagel).  Once we cleared his diet of anything that eked of this bagel (including foods with common wheat and foods with artificial additives)  this dear child transformed from being uncomfortable and out of control, to healthy, happy, and easy going.  Food is IT!!!  It's one thing we all share in common....the desire to be fed well.

This THING is representative of the sad state of affairs we call a health crisis in the country.   Hey folks, it's a nutrition crisis!!!   A little sense goes a long way.

BTW, this colorful monstrosity is now like a museum piece!  Without any shellac whatsoever, this braid of artificial color and bleached/bromated flour is now like a stone.  It also contains bromates which are really bad for you!!!

Imagine what you would have felt like if this colorful sphere ended up in your stomach??   Perhaps the quintessential lead weight?   You might even say, "I can't believe I ate the whole thing...or, even took a bite."

My solution....eat spelt, your body will thank you.....You will have no regrets!!

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